


We offer many services at Sydney City Tyres. Whether you need to source wheels for car, rim repairs and wheel painting as well as rerolling wheels we can help. We also specialise in brake and suspension work for all makes and models.


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we are highly competitive in our pricing for brake work on all makes and models. Our technicians will deliver the highest standard of work and carry out all manufacturers requirements.





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we cover all areas of suspension work, whether you are lowering your car or need worn bushes or balljoints replaced we have it covered. Just ask for a quote today.





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have you damaged your wheels?? No problem!! Whether you require refurbishment or rerolling we can offer a fast and competitive service, we can respray your wheels in any colour you require as well as high polishing and laser lathe wheel faces, ask for a quote today!



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Wheel alignment: 

we carry out wheel alignment on all makes and models





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We offer a large range of automotive repairs, just ring for a quote no matter the problem we can fix it.